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This is a part of my original larger painting.I am going to paint Al-aqsa Dome of rock , re creating this painting in easy to follow steps on a smaller canvas 20×16 inches.I am using a black canvas.
Sketching- Using a white charcoal pencil on a black canvas – ( canvas originally is black) i have made my previous painting on white canvas so wanted to change something different but if you are a beginner I highly suggest using a regular white canvas And the very first step is to visualize where you want your objects to be on the canvas and then we sketch . Since this is an architectural object- sketching should be accurate ( For landscape we can do a rough sketch) I decided to keep on right side and will decide what goes with it once the Dome of Rock is finished.
One the sketching is complete, its time to paint. I am using acrylics paint medium .To create the different shades of blue, I am going to use Pthalo Blue, Cerulline Blue ,mixed with white to create different shades.
On your mixing palate lay down some pthalo blue , cerulline blue and white as these shades are going to be used.
Check the following video for a better understanding .